Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008

Sweet Momentum

the first single Sweet Momentum was released last week. it already starts to get some airplay in Switzerland.

the clip will soon be ready to hit you as well!

Guss 81-80

yes, the gig last Saturday was awesome. and no, the CD is not yet out. it will be on March 14th!
The lucky ones who were there already got a copy for free!!!

take care!

Freitag, 22. Februar 2008


tonight, in Bülach, 8PM!
be there or be square...

my producer is very excited about our product. well, well... I hope he's recovering soon.

Montag, 18. Februar 2008


just came home after shooting my first video!
thanx to all who were @ the BIG BEN tonight! :)

love you guys!

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008


Am nächsten montag, 18.2.08, 9PM werden wir einen video dreh zur ersten single auskopplung von STONES machen.
Die szene findet in der Big Ben Bar (west side, beim Bahnhof Hardbrücke) statt und wird eine liveperformance von "sweet momentum" sein.

Für diese Szene brauchen wir möglichst viele Besucher im Pub! Also, packt eure Freunde und kommt PÜNKTLICH auf 21.00 uhr ins Big Ben!!!
Will be lots of fun....!

Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2008

production update

STONES is being mastered until the end of this week @ Sterling Sound NYC

Can't wait!